
8 hours, really?

A custom logo in 8 hours for $800.
It’s really that simple.


Sound familiar?

Hey we totally get what it’s like when you are first starting out with your business. You’ve got the dream, the passion but not the budget. The Brand Kit was created for the entrepreneur looking to get a strategy driven, professional logo without the hefty investment.

The Brand Kit 8 hour Breakdown:

  • Brand Strategy

    We’ll take this two our chunk to dive deep into your brand ethos to develop a strategy for positioning and design.

  • Discovery

    Years of research has allowed us to streamline the branding stage into an incredibly efficient process. We’ll create a mood board and begin playing with type, icons, etc.

  • Design & Deliver

    Now that we have all the pieces, we’ll take the next 2/3 hours to hone in on the actual brand design and deliver our final versions for review.

  • Review

    The final phase consists of reviewing any intricacies and adjusting as necessary. BAM! Now you have your shiny, beautiful, professional strategy driven brand. TIME TO SHINE!

Sound too good to be true?

Well, to be honest, it kinda is…
That’s why we only allow for 2 Brand Kit slots a quarter.
Fill out the form below to get on our waitlist.

“Working with Torrey is so much more than just getting a pretty logo. She really became an ally and partner in my brand launch. She’s like a business coach, designer and web strategist all wrapped up in one. Well worth the investment.”

-Sara Rivera | Discover Satmya